星期六, 九月 20, 2008

Barack Obama: Let’s put American Dream within reach for all 巴拉克•奥巴马:让我们重拾美国梦

闲来无事,又想不出这个星期写什么,就把电脑里原来就有的一篇奥巴马在北卡民主党党内竞选的文章翻了翻(本来想翻党内初选获胜那篇,可是太长了,看了就不想动)。这只是我随便翻的,错误很多,如果有谁看了还不吝指教。当中得到了芳芳同学的指导,thank you。

This is a defining moment. At a time when our nation is at war and our American dream is slipping away, we can’t settle for the status quo. In this election, North Carolina can stand for change.

I’ve spent over two decades working for change from the bottom up. I fought for jobs as an organizer on the streets of Chicago when the local steel plant closed. I stood up as a civil rights lawyer for people who were denied opportunity at work or justice at the voting booth.

I helped expand health care to hundreds of thousands of families, and gave a tax cut to working people in Illinois. I opposed this war in Iraq from the beginning, and when I got to Washington I stood up to the special interests to help pass the most far-reaching lobbying reform since Watergate. I chose to run for president because I believed that the size of our challenges had outgrown the capacity of our broken politics to solve them.

We can’t afford four more years of the same divisive fights in Washington that are more about scoring points than solving problems. We’re not going to make progress if we continue to have a system driven by special interests.

We need to restore fairness to our economy. When I’m president, we’ll give a tax cut to hardworking families, struggling homeowners and seniors. We’ll provide universal health care for all and cut the cost of a typical family’s Premiums by up to $2500 a year.

We’ll make college affordable so every American can get the skills to compete in our global economy. And we’ll turn the page on over two decades of trade and economic policies that have favored Wall Street over Main Street.

It’s time to stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas and start giving them to companies that create jobs here at home. And it’s time to invest in the green energy jobs that are the jobs of the future, and in 21st-century infrastructure –like roads and bridges –that can put Americans to work, safe guard our security and connect our communities.

North Carolina knows we need less tough talk and more sound judgment on national security.

We can’t afford the same politics of fear that tells Democrats that the only way to look tough is to talk, act and vote like George Bush and John McCain. When I am president, I will end a war in Iraq that I opposed from the start, give our troops and military families the support they have earned, and finish the fight in Afghanistan.

With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, I know that my story is only possible in America.

My family didn’t have much when I was growing up, but they gave me love, a food education, and hope – hope that in this country, no dream is beyond our grasp if we reach for it, and fight for it, and work for it. And the reason I’m running for president is to put the American Dream within reach for every family in North Carolina, and in this country.
